reserve your malinois puppy or dog
About Us

Ted Hoppe has been breeding the GatorlandK9 bloodline for 30 + years. They have genetically engineered their bloodline to be great companions with a natural instinct to protect home. GatorlandK9 is a registered Kennel in Belgium (Kennel Number 248) with the NVBK and your puppy will receive NVBK papers from Belgium. Our bloodlines produce large Malinois with stable temperaments. We do recommend obedience training, as we do with our German Shepherds. The Malinois has few genetic problems and live long, productive lives. We can custom select a puppy for your needs and you can do practical protection training , like American Street Ring with your dog, while maintaining a great family dog that is protective of the children of the family. The main qualities which make the Belgian Malinois such a desirable breed are the easy-care coat (straight and short), the medium - large size, and the keen intelligence. The breed has always been known for its train-ability and many owners today are feeling more secure with their Belgium Malinois on duty. The Malinois is one the best Prepper Dogs! In December of 2024, Ted's son Brad Hoppe stepped into the role as Vice President, under the years of mentorship from his father. Brad continues the 30+ years of legacy in the GatorlandK9 International family.
As trainers we recognize what is good temperament for both families and working dogs. We also realize the importance of socialization of puppies which is of critical importance with malinois breed from a very young age. We do not mass produce and we have a limited amount of litters each year. We will take our time and listen to our clients needs and match you with the right puppy that will be compatible to your lifestyle and your handling ability. Malinois are our passion.
We do not breed our dogs for confirmation or show. They are true working malinois and are registered in Belgium with the NVBK.
We offer a 10% Discount to active service members, veterans and first responders.